Monthly Archives: October 2012

5 Things To Do While Waiting For Feedback On Your VA Blog

positively awesome VA - wait

You have just completed your 10th Tutorial!

You click enter to submit your VA Blog assignment to the virtual assistants of Jomar Hilario. Wohooo!

For me, doing the VA assignment was not an easy task since  I had to learn the new tools, create 100++ slides per presentation and write the 10 posts!  Plus there are many opportunities to learn and interesting webinars to attend resulting in a volume of information that needed to be absorbed by my feeling young brain cells.

Have I mentioned the numerous family errands and obligations that I have to attend to?

I was still employed then, so I was doing my VA assignment at 8 pm to 11 pm only.  There were times when my schedule in the office was so hectic that I cannot muster enough energy to stay awake and still so the presentations at night.  My motto then was “Just 1 slide before you sleep!” Of course, when I start doing one slide, you just have to keep going, right?

After submitting the assignment and sleeping for 12 hours to take that much needed rest, what do you do next?

Here are 5 things that you can do while waiting for feedback on your VA blog:

1.  Celebrate

Have you completed your assignment in 2 weeks? 1 month?  3 months?

It does not matter.  What is important is you have taken the time to complete the assignment after attending or downloading the VA Seminar.

Finishing the assignment calls for a celebration!

I bought myself 2 nice shirts to serve as a reminder for completing such a milestone in my life.  I’m more supportive of my fellow newbie VA in completing what they have started since I wanted to share the feeling of accomplishment when they complete the task.

In my case, attending the VA Seminar alone is already a cause for a celebration for it opened my mind to the possibilities of working from home (a long time dream).  Of course, it is still work, no, it’s hard work (as emphasized by Jomar Hilario).

By attending the VA Seminar, I now have virtual friends and classmates to run to when I’m experiencing technical trouble.  Slowly, I gained confidence in my online skills which continued to amaze my non-techie friends.  These alone are worthy reasons for me to celebrate the special occasion.

 2. Learn more tools

While waiting for feedback, this is also the right time to learn more online tools that you will eventually use as a virtual assistant.

In my case, I took the time to study picmonkey for creating pictures without the use of photoshop.  I also attended learning sessions on facebook since I would like to market myself as a social media expert.

I also did volunteer work for the succeeding VA seminars.  It is my way to review and keep myself abreast on what is the latest in the VA world.

With free time at night, I used it to review sample cover letters for job applications.  I realized that my cover letter is a powerful tool to get the attention of my prospective client.

I keep myself inspired by listening to the stories of other VAs who made it big in the online world.  I regularly read Jomar’s posts in his blog and FB Groups

3.  Take tests in Brainbench and Odesk

Nikki, one of the VAs of Jomar, posted that Brainbench is giving away selected free exams for 1 month.  I immediately took the MS PowerPoint 2010 test!

This is the perfect time to take additional tests in Odesk and Brainbench to beef up your credentials and to wow your future clients

4.  Complete your profile

In Odesk and Elance, some of the employers require that you have  a complete profile.  Some of them even prefer those who are verified .  So why not take the time to do these.

Besides, you get bonus points or credits when your profile is verified and it increases your chances of being hired.

Have you tried making your profile in onlinejobs. ph?  When I was doing the assignment, I was putting this off for there were tons of questions to be answered.

When I completed my assignment, I now have all the time to think over the answers that will wow my clients.

5.  Apply, apply and apply

If you have completed Nos. 1-4, you can start applying for a gig.

Initially, I browsed through the listings on Odesk, Elance, craigslist, etc.  This activity gave me a feel of the application process and got ideas on the most commonly used keywords by clients.

Actually, I started applying for a gig when I was working on my 8th Tutorial.  Initially, I was getting rejection notices, stating that my bid was too high or that I lacked the necessary experience.

I studied how the successful candidate did it, how she introduced herself, how she wrote her profile, her price bids – in short, how she marketed herself.

I applied what I learned and I started getting invites for tests in editing, PowerPoint presentation, Fb posting, and writing articles.

positively awesome VA

All these activities (Nos. 1-5) will keep you busy and increase your value as a VA.  Rather than waiting indefinitely, worrying when you will get feedback and fretting for feedback, you can decide to take action.

These activities will increase your confidence when presenting yourself to a client.  More importantly, these activities will prepare you and equip yourself with the right skills and mindset as you take on this journey into the online world!

Have a Positively Awesome Day!


Postscript:  A week before I got my very first gig, I got a feedback on my VA blog!

How To Reconnect With Your Inner Positively Awesome VA

I was going through the list of available gigs in odesk. When I found this job post:

The title caught my attention, as if it’s written for me.  They need a “Super Organizer” — that’s ME!

I clicked the APPLY button and excitedly wrote my cover letter.  I re-read the job post up to the last line to make sure I had all the requirements covered.

I almost missed the last line:  Please reply with your favorite TED Video.

I used to listen to TED Talks.  I draw strength from inspiring, beautiful and courageous videos from the said website.

My journey to VA-hood reunited me with this website again.

TED Talks reminds me that there is a wellspring of inspiration that is just a mouse click away.

Here’s one TED talk that is now on my play loop!

I hope this will re-acquaint you with the simple pleasures of working from home and get reunited with who you really are — you are one Positively Awesome VA!

A Pat On My Back From My Mentor


Last weekend, I had the privilege to work with my mentor, Jomar Hilario.

I was the Team Lead for the staff volunteers and at the same time, the host of the 2012 Facebook Marketing Expert Seminar.  Jomar shared the stage with another FB Expert, Jay Mclean.

As Team Lead, I feel fortunate for having  the support and cooperation of very professional and quick thinking staff volunteers namely Carmi, Rina, Macky, Darryl, Anna, Marlon, Mike, Eric, Loth and Ate Josie.  The event’s success wouldn’t be possible without our virtual experts, Ms. Nikki and Ms. Trina.  It was such a blessing to work with them.

The Team had a blast serving the participants and listening from the insights of Jomar and Jay.  A big AHA for me is lesson on LIKES DOES NOT EQUAL TO SALES.

 Initially, I thought that the more Likes is equivalent to sales, hence I was inviting everyone to be my friend!  It’s crazy!

Here’s my take-away from the FBME Event;

Earning from FB is possible, it requires my daily attention and creativity to keep my fanpage engaging.  I learned that it’s all about building relationships with your FB friends.  This is achieved primarily by providing greater value to them, that eventually mutual trust is developed and this makes sales possible. 

As Staff Volunteers, we learned new strategies and insights that we can apply to our business as entrepreneurs and as VAs.  Plus, we went home with a bonus:  A pat on our back from our mentor!

Indeed, in this life, it is possible to have BOTH!


Enjoy a Positively Awesome Life,